Occupational Health & Safety Inspections

What are Health and Safety Inspections? Health and safety inspections are a systematic examination of a workplace to identify any potential hazards or risks to the health and safety of employees.

Occupational health and safety inspections

The range of regulatory supervision of labour inspection varies significantly from one country to another. Labour inspectorates deal with several labour matters: working conditions, wages, labour relations and OSH.

An effective inspection system is essential to promote and monitor compliance with OSH legislation. Enforcement and sanctions are indispensable components of any labour inspection system, but they should be adequately combined with prevention policies, aimed at helping employers and workers to avoid or eliminate the risk of occupational accidents and diseases.

Labour inspection is a key area of the labour administration system of a country. The aims of labour inspection are:

  • Enforcement of legal provisions relating to conditions of work and the protection of workers while engaged in their work;
  • Provision of technical information and advice to employers and workers concerning the most effective means of complying with the legal provisions; and
  • Identification of defects or abuses not specifically covered by available legal provisions.

KGM Trading & Projects

Our services provide a complete solution for managing and mitigating business risks as well as conforming to applicable compliance standards.

Contact Info

Block E
No: 04
High road and battlet road

Phone: KG Moabelo :0614286249

E-mail: kgmoabelo@kgm07.co.za

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