
Dangerous Goods Training

Hazchem - Dangerous Goods Training

Our nation-wide, comprehensive range of short course Business Skills & Legislative Training Programmes are Unit Standard aligned and aimed at both organisational and personal effectiveness, talent and leadership development.

The rules and compliance regulations governing the transport by road of hazardous and dangerous materials are immense and complicated. There are a number of applicable Acts but with constant amendments, they often prove more of a hindrance than a help.

In most instances, the intentions of companies are altruistic but the reality suggests that many companies fall far short of the basic compliance requirements in respect of their trucks, trailers and tankers. Apart from the reputational risk for the company, the legal consequences of not meeting their obligations are immense.

The KGM Hazchem Solution is a service that is delivered on-site thereby minimising the impact of downtime and disruption to business activities.

The KGM Hazchem solution provides an objective validation of various compliance requirements by identifying compliance gaps in respect of the transport of Hazardous and Dangerous Goods.

It enables companies to meet OHSAS and permit requirements in a sustainable and continuous manner. Through the independent assessment, the KGM Hazchem solution protects the health and safety of employees and prevents reputational and brand risk, protects the environment as well as the valuable asset.

KGM Trading & Projects

Our services provide a complete solution for managing and mitigating business risks as well as conforming to applicable compliance standards.

Contact Info

Block E
No: 04
High road and battlet road

Phone: KG Moabelo :0614286249

E-mail: kgmoabelo@kgm07.co.za

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