Legal Liability

In law, liable means "responsible or answerable in law; legally obligated". Legal liability concerns both civil law and criminal law and can arise from various areas of law, such as contracts, torts, taxes, or fines given by government agencies. The claimant is the one who seeks to establish, or prove, liability.

Legal Liability

The course, divided into six parts, will provide learners with a better understanding of the concept of legal liability and how legislation regulates and enforces it.

Course Outline

By the end of the course, the successful learner will be able to:

  • legal terminology
  • driving forces for legal compliance
  • criminal and civil liability (Common Law)
  • case studies
  • COID Act (case law)
  • delict recovery of damages
  • indemnity agreements
  • the OHS Act and legislative criminal liability
  • employers’ duties
  • duties of: manufacturers; client; agent; designer; principal contractor and contractor.
  • inspectors’ powers and investigation/inquiries
  • contractors
  • environmental law
  • corporate governance
  • legal compliance strategy.

KGM Trading & Projects

Our services provide a complete solution for managing and mitigating business risks as well as conforming to applicable compliance standards.

Contact Info

Block E
No: 04
High road and battlet road

Phone: KG Moabelo :0614286249


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